
Monday, October 10, 2011

How Low Can You Go?

I challenge everyone to ask yourself "how low can I go?" Here are a few examples of what I mean:

- How low can I turn my heat down? (put on more clothes ... you'd be surprised how low you can turn your heat down)
- What is the smallest amount of [toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc.] that I can use and still feel like it is cleaning properly?
- How much expensive food do I really need? Can I stick to cheaper, more healthier options like rice and beans? [unless it's home raised, meat and dairy products can get very expensive]
- Do I have to have air conditioning? (most in the world do not, and they live in some really hot places)
- Do I have to have hot water in my house? (most in the world do not ... and they seem to get by)
- (if you do have hot water) Do I have to wash my clothes in hot or warm water, or will cold work? Before you use the hot water, ask yourself if you could use warm or cold water instead.
- Do I have to use my dryer, or can I hang clothes outside?
- Do I have to have a closet full of clothes, or can I get by on only a few options?
- Do I have to have convenience foods, or can I make things from scratch at a much lower cost?
- Do we have to go out to eat when we are 'out and about' and hungry? Why not just stop at the grocery store and grab some yummy fruit? It will be cheaper and much healthier.
- Do we have to take vacations? Why not just find something free or nearly free to do that is near by?

These are just a few examples. The list could go on and on. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING WITH YOUR MONEY. If you are a professing follower of the Lord, ask yourself another question, "Do I have to spend this money on ______ or would it be better spent giving it to someone who is in need?" Every dollar spent selfishly on YOU that could have been used to help someone else out is not pleasing to the Lord.


  1. Ah, but what constitutes a selfish expense? Anything that is not a necessity?

    Just some food for thought. When people spend money on things, it helps keep the economy moving, which helps keep companies thriving, which helps people employed, which then helps keep people fed and housed, etc.

    And please don't take my words to mean that I think greed and selfishness are okay, because I don't.

  2. I'm not here to boost the economy.

    Selfish expense ... I'll leave that between you and the Lord. All I'm asking is for everyone to examine themselves.


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