
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Drip Irrigation

Thanks to the help of a brother and his parents, we now have drip irrigation in our big garden out in the country. Brian's parents, Gary and Carol, came to visit us a few months ago and gave my boys the idea of drip irrigation. Gary had installed his system last year and said it worked wonderfully. He also said he'd like to get the parts for us (He lives in Ohio and could get the parts for a good deal) if we just tell him what we need. Corban spent a good amount of time figuring it all up and finally got the figures to Gary. Brian and Gary would not let us pay for it ... we were thankful for the gift!

The boys got everything installed a few weeks ago, have everything planted as of yesterday (except a half a row I think?), and are also almost done with an electric fence to keep the critters out. The idea for the electric fence is a funny story ... one day we came home and saw a piece of paper hanging on the fridge. Brian had done some figuring of his own :) :) (I guess he felt a little left out?!) and helped us to see that no matter how much time and effort we put into our garden out in the country, it will all be in vain if the critters have free range of it! Here is Brian's diagram ... can you see it well enough?

Thank you Brian for the great laugh! I especially appreciated the little 'squared' symbol above the 'r' (which represents rabbit).

Ok, now on to the real garden pictures!

Here is one of the potatoes with Corban standing at the end of the rows so you can see better how long the rows are:

This is of the same place but taken at a different angle a week or two ago:

The smaller plot, also taken a few weeks ago:

A closer view of the smaller plot; these squash plants are much larger now and a few did not make it ... no worries though! We'll have plenty to go around!

Here is a picture from a distance:

And here is another picture looking off to the west. How terrible it must be to spend time out here in the fresh air and the sunshine looking at all the beautiful countryside and listening to the birds!

Speaking of beautiful countryside, here are a few pictures of on our way to and from Hemphill's.

This particular place called Booger Holler ... Christine (the 92 year old lady I pictured in a previous garden post) knows the woman who named it Booger Holler, but either she wouldn't tell us why or she did not know why. Whatever the case, despite the funny name, it sure is a very beautiful place.

And these pictures are on the way to Christine's house from Hemphill's and Booger Holler.

I plan on posting about the chickens either today or tomorrow, and also I'll probably get a post on here about our city garden soon.

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