
Monday, July 6, 2015

My new peeps

Last Thursday we received our new layers in the mail :) We got a variety this time and I eventually plan to make a post for each one as they grow ... but for now, here they all are. There were 25 (we ordered 23) but one died ... it came sick; I did my absolute best to nurse it back to health but it was a hopeless cause. Corban had to snip her little head off, which is the "most humane way" to dispose of a baby chick.

Our 'old girls' are about 3 1/2 years old. They are still laying an average of 4 eggs per day and there are eight hens. Their eggs are super healthy and yummy! But production is slowing down and it's all downhill from here. This new batch will replace the old, however I think we'll keep the old around as pets unless money will not allow it ... then we'll have crock-pot chicken stew or something of the sort.

Without further ado, here are our new chicks. 5 Welsummers, 5 Black Copper Marans (2 males, 3 females), 5 Barred Rocks (like what we have now), 6 Easter Eggers and 3 Buff Orpintons ... the one that died was a Buff. Just like our old girls, we plan to handle these as much as possible so they are tame and like us. One male is kind of snobbish ... I hope he changes his ways!

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