Thursday, December 12, 2013

Learn how to Knit!

A few weeks ago I visited some family in MN and my s.i.l. was learning how to knit. I know how to crochet but never did learn how to knit.

Cold + Wool Socks = Motivation

The other day I sat down with a book from the library and learned in a half hour of so how to cast on and do a basic knit and purl stitch. The next day I watched a video my s.i.l. recommended and thought it probably would have been easier to just start with that :) but sometimes I just do not feel like looking at a screen and that was one of those times. I appreciate the way this woman teaches: slow and easy. Also, I like her voice - a good teaching voice in my opinion.

If you want to learn how to knit, here are the first few videos. If you'd like to go further than that, you are on your own!

I shared the videos above because I like the simplicity of the teacher, however I found I prefer to use one needle when casting on. I did a little research and found this video that shows two ways of casting on using only one needle.

My plan is to practice and eventually learn how to knit wool socks. Maybe I'll have some for next year? We'll see.

Do you have a good 'learn-to-knit' resource? If so, please share!


  1. I really appreciate you posting these videos. I am just now learning how to knit! I enjoy it so far but I am only been doing it for about a day! lol!

  2. Great!! Thanks for letting me know :)


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